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2022.12.08 - [컴퓨터공학/알고리즘2] - [알고리즘2] Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)
[알고리즘2] Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)
복습하기 위해 학부 수업 내용을 필기한 내용입니다. 이해를 제대로 하지 못하고 정리한 경우 틀린 내용이 있을 수 있습니다. 그러한 부분에 대해서는 알려주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다. ▶Content
▶구현 API 정리
# 이미 구현된 기능
class Edge: # Weight 있는 방향성 없는 간선 나타내는 클래스 (예습자료 참조)
# WUGraph 객체 내부의 간선이 Edge 클래스 객체이므로 mstPrimEager(g) 작성 시 사용됨
class WUGraph: # Weight 있는 방향성 없는 그래프 나타내는 클래스 (예습자료 참조)
# mstPrimEager(g) 작성 시 사용됨 (함수 입력 g가 WUGraph 객체이므로)
class UF: # Union Find를 수행하고 결과를 저장하는 클래스
# Kruskal’s Algorithm 구현에 활용되며, Prim’s Algorithm 구현에는 사용되지 않음
class IndexMinPQ: # Indexed minPQ를 나타내는 클래스 (예습자료 참조)
# mstPrimEager(g) 작성 시 반드시 사용
def mstKruskal(g): # WUGraph 객체 g에 대해 Kruskal’s Algorithm 수행하고 결과 반환하는 함수
# 성능 테스트에 사용되며, Prim’s Algorithm 구현에는 사용되지 않음
def mstPrimLazy(g): WUGraph 객체 g에 대해 Prim’s Algorithm Lazy Version 수행하고 결과 반환하는 함수
# 이 코드 참조해서 mstPrimEager(g) 작성하기
▶구현할 API 정리
# 구현해야 하는 기능
def mstPrimEager(g): # WUGraph 객체 g에 Prim’s Algorithm Eager Version 수행 후 결과 반환
def include(w): # mstPrimEager() 내부에서 호출하는 함수로
# 정점 w를 MST에 포함할 때 수행해야 하는 일 기술
# included[w] = True
# w에 인접한 각 간선 e = w-x에 대해:
# 정점 x가 아직 pq에 없다면 pq.insert(x, e)
# x가 이미 pq에 있고 pq에 저장된 간선보다 e의 weight이 더 작다면 pq.decreaseKey(x, e)
# 필요한 자료구조 초기화
# 결과 저장할 리스트(MST에 포함할 간선 저장하는 리스트)를 비어있는 리스트 []로 초기화
# 각 정점의 포함 여부 결정하는 included[] 리스트를 모두 False로 초기화
# pq = IndexMinPQ(g.V)
# include(0) # include(0) 호출해 정점 0에 인접한 정점을 모두 pq에 추가함
# while 결과 리스트에 V-1개의 간선을 포함하지 않았다면:
# e, w = pq.delMin()
# e를 결과 리스트에 추가
# include(w)
# 결과 리스트와 이 리스트에 포함된 간선의 weight 합을 2-tuple로 반환
from pathlib import Path
from queue import PriorityQueue
import timeit
Class for storing weighted edges
class Edge:
def __init__(self, v, w, weight): # Create an edge v-w with a double weight
if v <= w:
self.v, self.w = v, w # Put the lesser number in v for convenience
self.v, self.w = w, v
self.weight = weight
def __lt__(self, other): # < operator, used to sort elements (e.g., in a PriorityQueue, sorted() function)
assert (isinstance(other, Edge))
return self.weight < other.weight
def __gt__(self, other): # > operator, used to sort elements
assert (isinstance(other, Edge))
return self.weight > other.weight
def __eq__(self, other): # == operator, used to compare edges for grading
assert (isinstance(other, Edge))
return self.v == other.v and self.w == other.w and self.weight == other.weight
def __str__(self): # Called when an Edge instance is printed (e.g., print(e))
return f"{self.v}-{self.w} ({self.weight})"
def __repr__(self): # Called when an Edge instance is printed as an element of a list
return self.__str__()
def other(self, v): # Return the vertex on the Edge other than v
if self.v == v:
return self.w
return self.v
Class for storing WUGraphs (Weighted Undirected Graphs)
class WUGraph:
def __init__(self, V): # Constructor
self.V = V # Number of vertices
self.E = 0 # Number of edges
self.adj = [[] for _ in range(V)] # adj[v] is a list of vertices adjacent to v
self.edges = []
def addEdge(self, v, w, weight): # Add edge v-w. Self-loops and parallel edges are allowed
e = Edge(v, w, weight) # Create one edge instance and use it for adj[v], adj[w], and edges[]
self.E += 1
def degree(self, v):
return len(self.adj[v])
def __str__(self):
rtList = [f"{self.V} vertices and {self.E} edges\n"]
for v in range(self.V):
for e in self.adj[v]:
if v == e.v: rtList.append(f"{e}\n") # Do not print the same edge twice
return "".join(rtList)
Create a WUGraph instance from a file
fileName: Name of the file that contains graph information as follows:
(1) the number of vertices, followed by
(2) one edge in each line, where an edge v-w with weight is represented by "v w weight"
e.g., the following file represents a digraph with 3 vertices and 2 edges
0 1 0.12
2 0 0.26
The file needs to be in the same directory as the current .py file
def fromFile(fileName):
filePath = Path(__file__).with_name(fileName) # Use the location of the current .py file
with filePath.open('r') as f:
phase = 0
line = f.readline().strip() # Read a line, while removing preceding and trailing whitespaces
while line:
if len(line) > 0:
if phase == 0: # Read V, the number of vertices
g = WUGraph(int(line))
phase = 1
elif phase == 1: # Read edges
edge = line.split()
if len(edge) != 3: raise Exception(f"Invalid edge format found in {line}")
g.addEdge(int(edge[0]), int(edge[1]), float(edge[2]))
line = f.readline().strip()
return g
Class for performing Union Find using weighted quick union
and storing the results
class UF:
def __init__(self, V): # V: the number of vertices
self.ids = [] # ids[i]: i's parent
self.size = [] # size[i]: size of tree rooted at i
for idx in range(V):
def root(self, i):
while i != self.ids[i]: i = self.ids[i]
return i
def connected(self, p, q):
return self.root(p) == self.root(q)
def union(self, p, q):
id1, id2 = self.root(p), self.root(q)
if id1 == id2: return
if self.size[id1] <= self.size[id2]:
self.ids[id1] = id2
self.size[id2] += self.size[id1]
self.ids[id2] = id1
self.size[id1] += self.size[id2]
Min Priority Queue based on a binary heap
with decreaseKey operation added
class IndexMinPQ:
def __init__(self, maxN): # Create an indexed PQ with indices 0 to (N-1)
if maxN < 0: raise Exception("maxN < 0")
self.maxN = maxN # Max number of elements on PQ
self.n = 0 # Number of elements on PQ
self.keys = [None] * (maxN + 1) # keys[i]: key with index i
self.pq = [-1] * (maxN + 1) # pq[i]: index of the key at heap position i (pq[0] is not used)
self.qp = [-1] * maxN # qp[i]: heap position of the key with index i (inverse of pq[])
def isEmpty(self):
return self.n == 0
def contains(self, i): # Is i an index on the PQ?
return self.qp[i] != -1
def size(self):
return self.n
def insert(self, i, key): # Associate key with index i
if self.contains(i): raise Exception(f"index {i} is already in PQ")
self.n += 1
self.qp[i] = self.n
self.pq[self.n] = i
self.keys[i] = key
def minIndex(self): # Index associated with the minimum key
if self.n == 0: raise Exception("PQ has no element, so no min index exists")
return self.pq[1]
def minKey(self):
if self.n == 0: raise Exception("PQ has no element, so no min key exists")
return self.keys[self.pq[1]]
def delMin(self):
if self.n == 0: raise Exception("PQ has no element, so no element to delete")
minIndex = self.pq[1]
minKey = self.keys[minIndex]
self.exch(1, self.n)
self.n -= 1
assert (minIndex == self.pq[self.n + 1])
self.qp[minIndex] = -1 # Mark the index as being deleted
self.keys[minIndex] = None
self.pq[self.n + 1] = -1
return minKey, minIndex
def keyOf(self, i):
if not self.contains(i):
raise Exception(f"index {i} is not in PQ")
return self.keys[i]
def changeKey(self, i, key):
if not self.contains(i): raise Exception(f"index {i} is not in PQ")
self.keys[i] = key
def decreaseKey(self, i, key):
if not self.contains(i): raise Exception(f"index {i} is not in PQ")
if self.keys[i] == key: raise Exception(f"calling decreaseKey() with key {key} equal to the previous key")
if self.keys[i] < key: raise Exception(
f"calling decreaseKey() with key {key} greater than the previous key {self.keys[i]}")
self.keys[i] = key
def increaseKey(self, i, key):
if not self.contains(i): raise Exception(f"index {i} is not in PQ")
if self.keys[i] == key: raise Exception(f"calling increaseKey() with key {key} equal to the previous key")
if self.keys[i] > key: raise Exception(
f"calling increaseKey() with key {key} smaller than the previous key {self.keys[i]}")
self.keys[i] = key
def delete(self, i):
if not self.contains(i): raise Exception(f"index {i} is not in PQ")
idx = self.qp[i]
self.exch(idx, self.n)
self.n -= 1
self.keys[i] = None
self.qp[i] = -1
def validateIndex(self, i):
if i < 0: raise Exception(f"index {i} < 0")
if i >= self.maxN: raise Exception(f"index {i} >= capacity {self.maxN}")
def greater(self, i, j):
return self.keys[self.pq[i]] > self.keys[self.pq[j]]
def exch(self, i, j):
self.pq[i], self.pq[j] = self.pq[j], self.pq[i]
self.qp[self.pq[i]] = i
self.qp[self.pq[j]] = j
def swimUp(self, idx): # idx is the index in pq[]
while idx > 1 and self.greater(idx // 2, idx):
self.exch(idx, idx // 2)
idx = idx // 2
def sink(self, idx): # idx is the index in pq[]
while 2 * idx <= self.n: # If a child exists
idxChild = 2 * idx # Left child
if idxChild < self.n and self.greater(idxChild,
idxChild + 1): idxChild = idxChild + 1 # Find the smaller child
if not self.greater(idx, idxChild): break
self.exch(idx, idxChild) # Swap with (i.e., sink to) the greater child
idx = idxChild
Find an MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) using Kruskal's algorithm
and return the MST with its weight sum
def mstKruskal(g): # Constructor: finds an MST and stores it
assert (isinstance(g, WUGraph))
edgesInMST = [] # List that stores edges selected as part of the MST
weightSum = 0 # Sum of edge weights in the MST
pq = PriorityQueue() # Build a priority queue
for e in g.edges:
uf = UF(g.V)
while not pq.empty() and len(edgesInMST) < g.V - 1:
e = pq.get()
# print("edge", e)
if not uf.connected(e.v, e.w): # Add edge e if it does not create a cycle
uf.union(e.v, e.w)
weightSum += e.weight
return edgesInMST, weightSum
Find an MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) using Prim's algorithm (lazy version)
and return the MST with its weight sum
def mstPrimLazy(g):
def include(v):
included[v] = True
for e in g.adj[v]:
if not included[e.other(v)]: pq.put(e)
assert (isinstance(g, WUGraph))
edgesInMST = [] # Stores edges selected as part of the MST
included = [False] * g.V # included[v] == True if v is in the MST
weightSum = 0 # Sum of edge weights in the MST
pq = PriorityQueue() # Build a priority queue
while not pq.empty() and len(edgesInMST) < g.V - 1:
e = pq.get()
# print("edge", e)
if included[e.v] and included[e.w]: continue # Ignore the edge v-w if both v and w are included in the MST
weightSum += e.weight
if not included[e.v]: include(e.v) # Add to the MST the vertex not yet included
if not included[e.w]: include(e.w)
return edgesInMST, weightSum
Find an MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) using Prim's algorithm (eager version)
and return the MST with its weight sum
def mstPrimEager(g):
def include(v):
included[v] = True
for e in g.adj[v]:
a = e.other(v)
if not included[a]:
if not pq.contains(a):
pq.insert(a, e)
elif pq.keyOf(a).weight > e.weight:
pq.decreaseKey(a, e)
edgesInMST = []
included = [False] * g.V
weightSum = 0
pq = IndexMinPQ(g.V)
while not pq.isEmpty() and len(edgesInMST) < g.V - 1:
key, index = pq.delMin()
if included[index]:
weightSum += key.weight
return edgesInMST, weightSum
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Unit test for Edge and WUGraph
e1 = Edge(2,3,0.1)
e2 = Edge(2,3,0.1)
e3 = Edge(2,3,0.2)
print(e1 == e1)
print(e1 == e2)
print(e1 == e3)
g8 = WUGraph.fromFile("wugraph8.txt")
# Unit test for the min PQ
minPQ = IndexMinPQ(10)
print(minPQ.pq, minPQ.keys, minPQ.qp)
print(minPQ.pq, minPQ.keys, minPQ.qp)
print(minPQ.pq, minPQ.keys, minPQ.qp)
print(minPQ.pq, minPQ.keys, minPQ.qp)
# Unit test for mstPrimEager()
g8 = WUGraph.fromFile("wugraph8.txt")
print("Kruskal on g8", mstKruskal(g8))
print("Prim lazy on g8", mstPrimLazy(g8))
print("Prim eager on g8", mstPrimEager(g8))
edges, weightSum = mstPrimEager(g8)
failCorrectness = False
if edges == [Edge(0, 7, 0.16), Edge(1, 7, 0.19), Edge(0, 2, 0.26), Edge(2, 3, 0.17), Edge(5, 7, 0.28),
Edge(4, 5, 0.35), Edge(2, 6, 0.4)]:
failCorrectness = True
if weightSum == 1.81:
failCorrectness = True
if failCorrectness:
n = 100
tKruskal = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstKruskal(g8), number=n) / n
tPrimLazy = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstPrimLazy(g8), number=n) / n
tPrimEager = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstPrimEager(g8), number=n) / n
f"Average running time for g8 with Kruskal ({tKruskal:.10f}), PrimLazy ({tPrimLazy:.10f}), and PrimEager({tPrimEager:.10f})")
if tPrimEager < tKruskal and tPrimEager < tPrimLazy:
g8a = WUGraph.fromFile("wugraph8a.txt")
print("Kruskal on g8a", mstKruskal(g8a))
print("Prim lazy on g8a", mstPrimLazy(g8a))
print("Prim eager on g8a", mstPrimEager(g8a))
edges, weightSum = mstPrimEager(g8a)
failCorrectness = False
if weightSum == 50:
failCorrectness = True
if failCorrectness:
n = 100
tKruskal = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstKruskal(g8a), number=n) / n
tPrimLazy = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstPrimLazy(g8a), number=n) / n
tPrimEager = timeit.timeit(lambda: mstPrimEager(g8a), number=n) / n
f"Average running time for g8a with Kruskal ({tKruskal:.10f}), PrimLazy ({tPrimLazy:.10f}), and PrimEager({tPrimEager:.10f})")
if tPrimEager < tKruskal and tPrimEager < tPrimLazy:
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